The Parish Council holds a statutory Village Meeting once a year, and occasionally calls meetings on topics of current interest.
The 2024 meeting will take place on 16th September at 7pm in the Church. All villagers are welcome to come and meet the councillors and hear what they have been doing and what future plans they are discussing. There will also be an update on the Church renovations and improvements.
Parish Council Accounts
The 2022-2023 accounts have been audited and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return and relevant information can be viewed below along with your right to inspect the accounts.
Monthly Meetings
Council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7pm in the Juliarnos meeting room in Huggate.
Parish Councils operate as non-political bodies serving the community by dealing with local issues and working with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to represent the concerns of the parish.
The Parish Council holds a statutory Village Meeting once a year, and occasionally calls meetings on topics of current interest.The 2023 meeting took place on 23rd May at 7pm in the Church.
Parish Council Accounts
The 2022-2023 accounts have been audited and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return and relevant information can be viewed below along with your right to inspect the accounts.
Monthly Meetings
Council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7pm in the Juliarnos meeting room in Huggate.
Parish Councils operate as non-political bodies serving the community by dealing with local issues and working with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to represent the concerns of the parish.
The Parish Council holds a statutory Village Meeting once a year, and occasionally calls meetings on topics of current interest.The 2023 meeting took place on 23rd May at 7pm in the Church.
Parish Council Accounts
The 2022-2023 accounts have been audited and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return and relevant information can be viewed below along with your right to inspect the accounts.
Monthly Meetings
Council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7pm in the Juliarnos meeting room in Huggate.
Parish Councils operate as non-political bodies serving the community by dealing with local issues and working with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to represent the concerns of the parish.
Community, Vision, Conservation
As councillors we want to see
Our parish the best it can be
To nurture what's already here
And be honest and open and clear
To give all the locals a voice
Allowing them all to have choice
Applying for grants where we can
To help the parishioners plan
For things that the future does hold
In this village on top of the wolds
The cash we will manage with care
Being "value for money" aware
We'll keep well informed and updated
On things that are council related
Our time and our care we will give
To make Huggate a great place to live.