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St Mary’s Church is undergoing massive refurbishment, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, which includes the removal of the pews and replacing them with individual chairs. This will create a flexible community space for village use. We have selected the Theo stacking chairs, and Bethel chairs for smaller gatherings. Both are wooden, hardwearing and comfortable.

We are inviting individuals and local businesses to contribute to this Community Heritage Project by sponsoring a chair. Each chair will cost £222, but all donations are welcome whether or not you are able to contribute the whole cost of a chair.

You may wish to dedicate a whole chair in memory of a special person, such as a departed loved one, or a special event in your family’s life such as a wedding, christening, or confirmation at the church. Dedications cannot be inscribed on the chairs themselves, but will be recorded in a special book to be displayed in the church. Please consider making a special gift of part or a whole chair - or two chairs, or more, if you are able.

If you need any more information about the chairs or dedications please contact Sue Dale, email or phone 01377 288485 or 07738 764514.

Payments can be made direct to Sue by bank transfer. Please contact her for more information. Or in an envelope marked CHAIRS or by debit or credit card using the digital payment machine at the back of church.

If you pay income tax your donation can be gift aided, as a charity the church can claim from the Government 25p in every pound donated. If we do not hold an up- to-date gift aid declaration, please contact Sue Dale.

Please email with any instructions for a commemoration or other recognition of your donation, which will otherwise remain anonymous.

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Writer's pictureHuggate

Wednesday 24th January 10am - 12 noon in church

Everyone is welcome to join us for refreshmentsand a post Christmas catch up

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Writer's pictureHuggate

As the existing tile and wooden floor in the church is replaced, it is a wonderful opportunity to place a time capsule under the new floor. We would like all the children to think about a small treasure or a written memory that they could put in the time capsule as something special for them today to be discovered by future generations.

Of course adults are very welcome to make their own contributions too! They will be collected together on

Saturday 27th January between 10 and 12

and put in the capsule ready to put in the new floor.

Join us in church for refreshments and see this bit of history in the making.

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