The Parish Council operates as non-political body serving the community by dealing with local issues and working with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to represent the concerns of the parish.
The Councillors who make up the Parish Council, are elected every four years in local elections. The Council employs a Clerk whose role is to ensure that the business of the Parish Council runs smoothly within the legal requirements as laid down by Central Government and to carry out the policy decisions of the council.
Regular monthly meetings are held together with an Annual Parish meeting at which a resume of the previous year's activities of the Parish Council is presented.
There is currently one vacancy on the Parish Council, please contact any of the Councillors below or the Clerk on if you are interested in becoming a Councillor.
Click here for current Councillor details.
Clerk: Penny Hudson, 9 Easton Avenue, Pocklington, YO42 2SG, 07801428902
Meetings are at 7pm in the JuliArnos meeting room and are usually held on the 3rd Monday of every month (except August and December). The meeting Agenda (which confirms the date and time) will be displayed here and on the Huggate Village Website
Any parishioner wishing to attend a meeting is entitled to do so. Anyone attending is reminded that participation in the discussion is only allowed by agreement of the Council. Please give advance notice to the Clerk or a Councillor if you might wish to be invited to speak.
Parishioners wishing to raise any matters with the Council should notify any Councillor or the Clerk using the contact details above or

One of the functions of the Parish Council is to comment on planning applications within the Parish.
Only neighbouring properties receive notification of applications, and are invited by the council to give their views. However anyone is at liberty to submit their opinions for consideration by the planning authorities.
To see a summary planning applications in the parish, with details of how to comment on outstanding applications and of past applications with their outcomes: follow this link: PLANNING APPLICATIONS SEARCH
The Parish Council receives plans from the East Riding and these are generally discussed at a monthly meetings. Members of the public are entitled to attend meetings and hear the discussion. The Council does NOT have the power to grant or withhold planning permission, but recommends to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council that the application be granted or refused by the Planning Committee.

Meetings include discussions on matters of planning, finance and other relevant issues. They may also include discussion of policy and documents produced by local and central government. Members of the public may attend these meeting and may raise issues outside the designated meeting; but may only speak during the meeting by invitation. They may also request that a matter be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
Parish Councils are funded by what is known as a 'precept'. This is a sum of money which is calculated and applied for annually, and is collected by ERYC on behalf of the Parish Council with the Council Tax. The leaflet distributed with the Council Tax demand shows the amount paid annually by an average household in each parish. Expenditure includes insurance of Parish Council assets, maintenance of village projects, Audit fees, the Clerk's salary and other minor expenses. A detailed annual return accounting for the use of finances must be produced and submitted to the Audit Commission each year.

The Councillors have created a community emergency plan that should be activated in response to an incident or event e.g. heavy snow. This is for all parishioners to read and is aimed to help reduce any negative impact / effect on the community.
The Parish Council have also created a whatsapp group to share useful village information, particularly in times of bad weather. If any parishioners would like to be included in this group, please email your name and mobile number to